Sunday, January 15, 2012


I picked this look because of my love for the musical Phantom of the Opera. One of my favorite song and scenes from the musical and movie is the song Masquerade. I thought it would be fun to come up with a masquerade look but make it a little different and a little more unique.

For the makeup look you will need lace, threaded beads, and liquid eyeliner. I started out by taking foundation and applying it to the face, then I set the foundation with some loose powder. For the eyes I took a gold shimmer shadow and applied it all over the eye lid. Then came the fun part I took black lace that I got at a local craft store and I cut them out to the shape of the eye lid up to the eye brow. Then once I got them to the shape I wanted and so they matched, I took eyelash glue and glued them to the eye lids. Then to clean up the edging of the lace I took some black liquid liner drew in a solid edging. On the bottom of the eyes I wanted to match the dramatic lace on the top so I took some black thread, and threaded up some blacks and silver beads and used eyelash glue again to attach them to the bottom lash line. Then I finished off the look with a little bit of blush and a nice red lip.

 For the hair I wanted it to match the the makeup but have a soft elegant flair to it. I curled the all of her hair. I started in the back took a section of hair started curling at the top of the section then once I worked the hair through I took it off the barrel leaving it in it shape. Then took that section and pinned it in place and worked my way through all the hair. Once that was done I took all the sections out and was left with a very curly head of hair. I pulled all the hair up to the top of the head and started pinning away. I left some curls out at the front to soft the edging and give it a more romantic look. 

Tips for this look:
1)take your time and make sure that the lace shape is the same. Make sure to let all the glue set before you let go of it.
2)Have fun with it if you don't like the beads on the bottom try something else maybe some fun bottom lashes.

 Hint for next look: Poppin bottles in the ice.

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