Sunday, January 15, 2012


For this look it was my personification of a blizzard. I got the idea from my sister who went to a natural disaster Halloween party and dress up as a hurricane. I thought it would be cool to do this on in winter with the snow and just my luck there was no snow this winter. The picture and look still turned out cool so, it's all good.

 I started off curling the all of my sister hair. In loose curls, if hair has curls in it it teases easier. Once the entire head is curled, I started teasing the crap out of her hair. I split her hair on the drastic part, put bobby pins in her hair at the front and made a fake finger wave. Then I wanted to make it look like her hair was blowing in the wind or was frozen. So a combed the hair flat to the right side of her hair. And started pinning away at her hair. Then I added a little white spray to the top of the bun to make it look like snow or like ice.

 For the makeup I wanted to use a lot of white, silver and light blue, because those color gave the look more frozen look. I started off using some pale foundation and set that with some white powder. After I made her face pale, I went to the eyes. I still want to keep them pale but for photo reasons I need to define them a little bit. I first applies white eye shadow all over the lids. Then I took silver and lined the top lashes Then taking black liquid liner I lined the top lashes but in sparse jagged lines kind of like icicles. I then took silver liquid liner and did the same thing but also extended the silver out from the corners of the eyes. I took white liner and started drawing organic icicles coming down the face, I also did that with silver and silver liquid liner. I finish off the makeup by applying silver and white eyeshadow to the lips to make them look frozen. For the costume I just grabbed a bunch of white winter things. Then also I wanted the costume to have an edge to it to match the hair but to also suggest that blizzard are not always fluffy and white, but do have an edge to them. A cold and dark fear, when they do hit towns and cities.

 Tips for this look:
1) Really play up the hair and tease the crap out of it, don't be affraid to use a lot of bobby pins I think I used over 65 total in Casey's hair.
2) Stick to a lot of whites and silvers thin looks that remind you of winter.

Hint for next look:
It started with a promise,
We sealed it with a kiss,
This journey, this path
Hand in hand.

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