Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hand in Hand 2

I really need to poster two blog about this because Well it did take up two sheets of my portfolio and I didn't want to try and cram their life into one page or one blog. Also I wanted to talk about my inspiration for their pictures and why they are the way they are. In every picture you will notice Jordan in short back yellow leather chair. And Kelsey in a white high back woven fabric chair. I put them like that for a very specific reason. Going back to my inspiration, Up. In the movie you will always see the couple Ellie and Carl sitting and reading books or by in the room with these two mismatched chairs. One with a shorter back the other with a tall curvy back. So I thought to make the look complete I had to set up the scene for the look. And now to continue the aging process.

 60's This is when it starts to get fun. Here I really shorted Kelsey hair and made it close to all grey. And I also started to thin out her lips and sink in her eyes. Also doing the same for Jordan but then not just greeting his hair but making his facial hair grey.

70's This is when I started really adding ages spot. When looking at a older person to will notice some discoloring in their skin. Well to achieve that look you use a stippling sponge its a rough prickly sponge that you can make a bunch of little dot with. Then after a few aged spot you will notice under their eye it is not only wrinkly but a little pink and kind of puffy for lack of better words. Then you start adding wrinkles in the cheeks and so on. Now they should be fully grey, in my family my grandma is in her 70's and doesn't have hardly any grey hair, but for portfolio reasons I made them all grey.

80's I just added darker age spots and more of them. Thin out the lips a bunch well also adding wrinkle down he neck and thinning the lips more.

90's This was the final age I had and so I really sunk in the yes with some dark shadow. Then adding some white to the brow bone to contrast with the dark shawl to make it look sunken in. Then I just proceed to add more wrinkle and at this point The hair couldn't get any more grey then it was. The final picture was the couple holding hands covered with blankets reading books.

If your wondering why these two blogs are called hand in hand it is because my sister wrote me a poem I have going through out each look in each of the pages and it is call Hand in Hand, and here it is.
 It started with a promise,
We sealed it with a kiss,
This journey, this path
Hand in hand. 

We grew up together,
We blossomed and changed,
But we did it together
Hand in hand.
 Times of good and bad,
Sometimes life got in the way
Love was our glue
Hand in hand

 The kids grew up
Had kids of their own
And we watched them grow
Hand in hand
 In the winter of our lives
We just sat and smiled
And knew we'd survived
Hand in hand

 Tips for this look: Pretty much the same as he other tips and have have fun with the old age god know my brother did.

 Hint for next look: Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered.

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