Sunday, January 15, 2012


For one of my final looks I thought I would do another time period that I am in love with. There is something about the 50's that I love.what first caught my nearest and made me fall in love with the 50's was the movies. Sometime I dream that my life was a 50's movie, guys with amazing style, everyone breaking out into song and dance, and also there refreshing incants they had. Also then came the celebrities that had a grace to them that we just don't have now a days. Actresses such as Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, and Audrey Hepburn. Then the handsome bad boys, that every girl wanted to marry, like Elvis Presley and James Dean. It seemed also fitting that I am currently in rehearsal for for the musical Happy Days taking place in 1959. Also just researching and finding out more about the 50's and what it was like back then has helped me with the musical.

 For this looks I did a school basic school girl look and soda jerk look. For the makeup I did something very simple a little foundation set with some powder then finished off with a little blush. I got most of my research and information from grandma. She helped me put together this look, told me what the hair looked like and told be about formals and her uniform when she was a soda jerk. So for the hair I then did a some soft curls, and used bobby pins to pin the hair in place. A refrained from doing the ever so lovely ducktail.

 Tips for this look: keep everything lite there was a lite and fresh innocents to this time period. For the hair pin curls were in so you don't have to use a curling iron to achieve the look.

 Hint for next week: the Finally


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