Sunday, January 15, 2012


Marilyn Monroe she was the sex icon of the 50's, also the perfect person to use for a contouring page. Contour is when you use makeup to change the shape of certain feature on the face to change the appearance of a person. When looking at a person feature you can tell certain features stand out more. For Marilyn Monroe I used my brother Spencer's fiancé. She was perfect a blonde but had darker root with a widows peek like Marilyn and had features I could contour to look similar to Marilyn. Notes for the look:

When I started this look I started out look at Marilyn's features. I notice areas that were highlighted: the bridge of her nose, the middle of her forehead, apple of her cheeks, and her chin. Then I looked for the areas that were darker: the sides of her forehead, under the apple of cheeks, and the sides of her nose, with a darker crease in the eyes. Her hair is a nice natural curly wave. For the make up I started by taking some concealer and putting it on the areas I wanted to high light so that they were marked off. Then I went in and reshaped her eyebrows I too, a dark brown shadow and drew a crease I and reshaped the eyes. With a more of a triangle crease. Then I darkened the corners of the eyes and put wrinkle lines under the eyes. And I added smile lines. I added a white line in the corner of the eyes and did a smudged cat wing eye liner. Then I made her lips fuller with a peachy pink lip stick. Then I added darker bronze to the bottom of the cheeks and blended that into the conceal that high lighted features.

 For the hair I did a volume soft curls and had to shorten the her hair. I curled the bottom of her hair and did a sweeping bangs. And then bobby pinned her longer hair and tucked it into the turtle heck she was wearing. For the costume at did a daily Marilyn Monroe outfit. White high wasted capris and then I added a black belt to bring in her waste to make her hips look bigger like Marilyn Monroe. Then she put on a black turtle neck and tucked it into the capris.

 Tips for this look: really study the face you are doing the contouring for, study highlights and low lights. Also have a lot of colors such tans, browns and lighter whites.

 Hint for next week: they were truly Happy Days.

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