Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hand in Hand

This particular transformation I have been very excited for because it was inspired off one of my favorite animated movies, Up. In the beginning of up there is about 5 min montage of the character life it starts on their wedding day and shows them growing older and older until Carl the main character come home from his wife's funeral. Well I think it one of the most beautiful thing I've seen and can't help but cry every time I watch it. It inspired me to do old age makeup. I wanted to take a guy and a girl and have their wedding pictures be the first photo on the page and then make them grow old and older. Lucky for me this passed summer my brother Jordan and his beautiful wife Kelsey got married. So I had wedding photos and they were the perfect couple to be my models.

 When considering what I wanted to do I first thought about what ages I wanted to do. People told I should go up every 20 years because five to 10 years you don't change that much. Then I realized you actually do change if you really have an attention to detail so I thought that would be a good thing to show the colleges that I am apply to. So I went up every 10 years to show a natural slow progresses state of their transformation.

 Wrinkles how to: You take a makeup brush that is small and flat, similar to a paint brush. Then you get some brown, white and tan stage makeup. To make the wrinkle have the person make a face that creases the area you want to age. For the eyes you would have them close their eyes really tight to create crease line around the eyes. Then you take a draw brown lines in those creases. The blend out and add white and tan to make them pop.

 30's I really didn't do much I just made them a little more seasoned. I add a little grey just to the side of the hair, added some darker lines under the eyes and a little bit of crows feet in the corners of the eyes. 

40's I added more grey to the hair I style Kelsey's hair a little different giving her a at home mother look. I gave Jordan a weekend business man look. I then added some more wrinkles under the eyes to the forehead, also smile line wrinkles.

 50's I started to shorten Kelsey's hair because most women as they age their hair starts to get shorter, then I added more grey. For wrinkles I added some to the forehead, middle of the, eyebrows, and smile lines with more eye wrinkles. My brother Jordan, well its hard to get his hair to much of anything except stand straight up. I parted on the side a used bobby pins to make it lay flatter, then added more grey.

 Tips for this look:
really do some research for me that just mean lot of picture of old people and aging. Also look at family members I got a lot of inspiration from my family and looked at how we age because all people age differently some better then others.

 Hint for next look: Life goes on.

                                                                                                                      My Siblings

Here is the opening from Up.

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