Friday, November 4, 2011


 If you remember back or read back in my blogs, the first transformation I did was the Disney character Mulan. In order to complete the Disney to Life page for my second transformation I chose Pocahontas. I loved the movie Pocahontas growing up, though it might have been my massive crush on John Smith, but like Mulan, her courage is what captured me. For this look I started off my research a lot like Mulan's look. I watched the video and looked at pictures and cross referenced those images with photographs of real Native Americans.

            Pocahontas's hair is pretty straight forward: really long and really black. Finding someone with that hair and that in any way resembled Pocahontas well was a different challenge. That's when I thought of my friend Amanda.  She has darker skin and dark hair. Her hair wasn't as long as Pocahontas, so my first thought was to use a black wig. Then, I figured that would not look very realistic. So, I came up with the idea to make my own clip in hair extensions. I started off with a simple long black wig and cut off large piece of it. Then I took that hair and hot glued it across a Bobby pin, I did this about 20 times to create my own homemade extensions. Then, I went through Amanda's hair and placed the extensions to give her length. Her hair was a little lighter than the extensions so I sprayed those parts of her hair black to even it out. I then pulled all the hair to one side and put some wave in it to simulate a wind blown look.

            The makeup required a lot of bronzer and conturing of the face. I started off by darkening Amanda's skin and then darkened the side of her nose to thin it out.  Then, I contoured to make her cheek bones pop.  Conturing is all about creating shadows to make the face appear different and in this case angular. For her eyes, I used a brown shadow to off set the eyes with a black liner. Pocahontas is very natural, so I wanted to keep the make up pretty simple. Pocahontas lips are very full luckily so are Amanda's so I started off with a brown lip liner and fill the lips with a dark brown. Then, I finished off the look with a shimmer to highlight on the nose, cupids bow, and a little on the cheeks.

Tips for this look:
1) Make sure you study the shape of her face and nose for contouring.
2) make sure the hair black hair spray is worked into the hair and not just all as once it will make it look more real.

Hint for next transformation:  You'll be greatly depressed if you miss this time in history.

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