Sunday, September 11, 2011

Let's Get Started!

Nowadays women of all ages use makeup to hide, smooth and redefine their faces.  They are trying to hide flaws, look younger or merely define their features.  They are attempting to look like a better version of themselves.  Not me, I use hair and makeup to transform a person into someone they are not. I create a character and tell a story without any words. In one glance you can tell something about this character.  You know who they are and from where they came.  
At the end of January, I will be auditioning/ interviewing for multiple colleges majoring in Technical Theatre. It is at that time that my portfolio of hair and makeup design will be presented.  So from now till then, I will be documenting my progress as I create different characters inspired from life, fantasy and history.  In each blog post I will document 1 to 2 new looks that will be put into my portfolio.  I will post pictures of the model before, after and all the steps I took to achieve their transformation.
Each of these looks takes a lot of time and effort, but they all start with some kind of inspiration.  I'm inspired by many different things from books to historical eras.  When I have an idea I want to pursue I start of with research, notes and pictures. Then I practice part of the look, usually on myself, and draw out my vision. Once I have everything drawn out I then ask a friend that looks closest to my vision and try out the final hair and makeup design on them. 
In this blog you can look forward to some of my original designs like my natural disaster concept.  I will also be showing Disney characters and unrealized characters from books.  In addition to fantasy, I will be documenting different eras and showing my skills with basic film and stage concepts like aging and wounds.  In the end of this journey I hope you will learn a little more about what really goes into a transformation as I am certain to learn a great deal about myself.  I'm looking forward to pushing the boundaries of hair and makeup design and bringing you along for the ride.  Let's get started!


  1. Good stuff, Shimon! A few typos to clean up - of instead of off - that kind of thing. The third to last sentence ("In this journey...") doesn't work. Right now it says that you will learn about yourself which is what will allow the reader to understand what goes into a transformation. Not sure how that works...

    Will you include pictures from your research? Your notes? Those artifacts might be interesting as well and could be embedded in the blog. In fact, I'd kind of like to see some of that in this initial posting - it might intrigue people and have them wanting to come back for more detail.

    You might consider concluding the blog post with a hint of what's coming next.

    I'm not nuts about the formatting of your blog - the dark background makes readability an issue - I know, I know...I'm old and can't see - so you might want to tweak it.

    Keep up the good work!
