Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Six Merry Murderesses

WARNING: This page is not for anyone who just ate, is planning on eating or has an overall weak stomach!
This week was by far one of my favorite weeks; not just because I got to kill my brother, but because it shows what makeup is really capable of doing. Beyond the character transformations, my portfolio needs to include basic theatre makeup skills. I really didn't want to just do a couple wounds and call it quits, anyone can do that.  I wanted to tell a story. I decided on a common theme of revenge for my "death page", I just didn't know what the story behind it would be. It wasn't until I was listening to the Pandora show tunes station that the song "Cell Block Tango" from the Musical Chicago came on. In the song there are 6 different stories of how a girlfriend, wife or mistress got back at their man by killing them. The song was the perfect inspiration for my death by revenge wounds. I would bring to life each one of their crime scenes and it would give me a chance to stylize everything in the 20's (when the musical takes place). This week I didn't have enough time to do all 6 murders, but I did manage a couple.  The rest will come later.  I can't give all my murderous secrets away just yet!

First Women Story: Pop!
You know how people have these little habits
That get you down like Ernie
Ernie like to chew gum, no, not chew, Pop
Like, I come home this one day and there's Ernie
Layin' on the couch chewin', no, not chewin', poppin'
So, I said to him, I said
"Ernie, you pop that gum one more time" and he did
So I took the shotgun off the wall
And I fired two warning shots into his head

Second Women: Lipschitz
I loved Alvin Lipschitz, he was a real artistic guy, sensitive, a painter
But he was always trying to find himself
He go out every night looking for himself
And on the way, he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary and Irving
I guess you can say we broke up because of artistic differences
He saw himself as alive and I saw him dead

I start this off with some research of images of bullet wounds to get the color shape and texture right. Then I started by practicing different wounds on my arm just to get the overall feel and look; and like they say practice makes perfect. Then after practicing I chose (more like told) an innocent victim I was going to kill him.  Naturally, I picked my brother.
How To:
Start off with deciding where you want the wound to be.  In this case, it was his head, another time it was his throat. After picking a spot, determine the size of the wound you want and what type of wound. I did a bullet wound and a slit throat. Lay down a thin layer of liquid latex. Then, take one ply of tissue role it up and place around edge of latex area. Then, cover tissue with more latex. After you've done this, wait 5 to 10 minutes for the latex to dry. After that, it's time for some color. I start off by applying a black paint to the middle of the wound. Then, I mix in a dark maroon color that is usually the color of dried blood. Blend that out over the edges. Then, take a pink skin color and blend the latex into the skin color. Add different wound colors such as brown, red, purple, etc. Blend different colors in different areas until you get the right look. Then you need going to need two different kinds of fake blood: thick and runny.  Take the thick blood and put it right in the middle of the cut over the black. Then take the runny blood and place along edge of wound and then let it run naturally for an authentic blood flow look. For the second wound I did the same thing and followed all the same steps. This wound was just a slit throat and not a bullet wound. Finish off the look by smearing some blood around the wound. Have your model lay on the ground with a bloody knife or whatever you imagine you used to kill them and you are good to go. You can freak out just about anyone with this look, in my case it was my mother, she did not like this at all.  But, then again, that is the point.

Tips for this look:
1) Be patient with the latex.  The more time you spend with it the better the wound will be.
2) Make sure you have Q-tips easily available to clean up the liquid latex.
3) Latex does not smell good!  So, be sure to cover the area you are working in with towels or tarp; something that can get dirty.
Hint for Next Week: She is waiting for her dream giver.
Link to Song Lyrics so you can read the rest of the stories.